
Today we have the pleasure of talking to Efi Love Light, the sunshine of our crew. Efi, one of the most familiar faces of our collective and already well known in festival community. Since she has an exciting life and interesting projects alongside Avanyah, we’d best get started right away. Let us begin!

In a few words, who is Efi Love Light?

I am a dreamer, believer, creative artist, yoga and movement enthusiast and a goal seeker.


And what would be your main goal in life?

I wish to be able to change the world. To make it a better place. I believe I am doing that, one heart at a time. All change starts from within, and that’s the only way I see it. When people are happier, healthier and more aware, the world is already moving in a better direction.


How do you think you can change the world?

First of all, I dedicate 100% of my being as well as most of my time and energy to spreading love and light to the world. It starts with traveling around the world to meet people and lead my workshops, and continues with teaching yoga face to face or online via livestream, personal support and guidance for each of my students, inspirational quotes and videos of yoga, mantras or original music that I share all the time.
Furthermore, I have resolved to help or make happy at least one person every day. Whether it’s counselling, giving help, or just being there to listen, even if I don’t know the person, I can give something with every opportunity that comes my way. And it’s not just me, everyone can do it too. We can make so much difference just by being there for the people around us.


That is wonderful! Could you give an example?

Once, at a festival, a girl came up to me and told me, “You know, the first thing I saw at this festival was your smiling face in the shop, and that made my day. Thank you!” So we can change someone’s life or someone’s day just by being present, by being who we are.



Besides Efi’s yoga and love journey, she is also an active part of everything to do with the Avanyah label. She looks after the inventory, communicates with some of our artists, helps with customer service and writes lyrics. But most of all, Efi is the face of Avanyah at festivals. She travels with our shop across festivals in Europe and spends time connecting people, building bridges and forming collaborations.



How do you see your connection with the Avanyah team?

The vision of Avanyah burns in my heart, no less than anything I do. Avanyah’s goal of creating a network of artists and professionals who support each other and push each other to succeed aligns with my main goal of making this world a better place.

When did you start practicing yoga and why? 

I was traveling in India and familiar with the yoga world because I was already teaching Aerial Movement and many of these methods came from the yoga world, but I had never been to a yoga class myself before. At that time I reached to Rishikesh after a big personal crisis. There I attended daily yoga classes with Yogi Dinesh, who later became my master. I started practicing yoga because I felt the need to balance energies and sensations in my body. Before I started practicing I had no control over that. After only two weeks of daily practice, I felt so much stronger, physically and emotionally, as if I were a new person. I wish to share this incredible feeling with everyone.


Where will you be in 5 years?

So far I have already taught in Switzerland, Greece, Portugal, Austria, India, Israel and Bulgaria. I wish to continue traveling and share my knowledge in more countries. At the same time, I hope to have a plot of land somewhere where I can build my house, start a community, live in harmony with nature and lead workshops and retreats. Maybe even small festivals laster on :)


Can you tell us a bit more about this dream of a community?

Well, my biggest dream is to create an alternative life for people. A communal life with mutual support, lots of artist gatherings, with an appreciative approach to nature, home schooling for the children of the community and an ecological and sustainable lifestyle. I want to be surrounded by wonderful people, to live in a community of love and spirit, art and inspiration, as well as awareness and appreciation.


Sounds fantastic! Who do you invite to this project?

Everyone. Anyone who dares to change their lifestyle and create something better for ourselves and the world. Especially artists of all kinds, like visual artists, sculptors, musicians and writers. Yogis, spiritual and personal coaches, therapists, as well as all kinds of teachers are also invited to join us. We already have many people and professionals around the world interested in joining this dream and now we are slowly finding the right place to do it. So you better stay tuned :) 


Amazing. To finish on a good note, where can we see you next?

From October I will be back in Vienna, our current base. There I will be leading weekly Aerial Movement workshops with “The Althea” and traditional Hatha Yoga classes again.


Can we see you online? 

I will continue to hold my online yoga classes live via Zoom, as I have many students from other countries. I am constantly in contact with them wherever I am. I will continue to hold my online yoga classes live via Zoom, as I have many students from other countries. I am constantly in contact with them wherever I am. 
In addition, I am currently working on various online programmes for building a daily yoga practice, air movement, self-growth and inner process, meditations, pranayama and mantras.I want to impart all my knowledge to the people around me and give them the tools they need to feel as fulfilled as possible. If the last two years have taught me anything, it’s that I need to learn to use technology because it’s the fastest way to reach more people and really make a difference.


Amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing everything with us!

Thank you so much, it was fun :)

Efi Love Light

Would you like to know more or

do you have a specific question?

There are several ways to get additional information about Efi’s courses, workshops, projects and the Althea hammock. One effective method is to chat with Efi directly by clicking the button and inquire about the specifics you are interested in. In addition, you can contact Efi through various communication channels such as email and social media.


If you want to get a more comprehensive picture of Efi’s background, services and goals, you should take a closer look at our friends page. This may mean looking at her website, blog or social media accounts to learn more about her expertise, interests and values. You could also read testimonials or reviews from people who have participated in Efis courses or workshops to gain insight into their experiences and outcomes.


To learn more about the aerial trapeze “Althea”, you can visit her social media channels. By contacting Efi directly and exploring their online presence, you can gain a fuller understanding of Efi’s work and contribution to their community.